Jawa Timur Park (JTP) is one of kind tourism object in Batu, East java, which is
mix and match conceptly between education and tourism in one place and in the same time, so that can give information to society / visitor about culture and knowledge ( two in 1).
And became give information about many kind of culture in indonesia especially in East java province. You can visited Nusantara etchnic galery and East java region
It is located on east montain Panderman with unless 11 hectare area and 850 metres from sea surface and supported by 3 new whana addeed in each year. so that give unpredicted and unforgetable holiday and moment in Jatimpark. The visitor can enjoy beautiful Batu scenery from this place.
by One Stop Service) Jawa Timur Park redy to give satisfying service to the customer, started at 08.30 - 16.00 WIB all the day.
Beside that Jawa timur park have complete facilities beside wahana and the plyaground, such as food and vegetable market, handtcraft counter, oilet, mosque and many more.
Jawa Timur Park
also completed with Bunga and resort club which is closed and still in the same area. So that the visitor can relax and more ejoyable. For furher information about jawa timur park, you can visite the website here
Perbanyak deh wo, referensi rekreasi di gresik. termasuk makanan khas warung yang terkenal maknyos, sego sadukan di ujung perlimaan petro boljug tuh...